The birthstone for the month of May is Emerald. This lovely green gemstone is miraculous not only for its brilliant color, but has symbolism that will make you desire it even more. This stone was said to have granted foresight, wealth, and immortality to who ever possessed one. The Emerald represents rebirth and renewal. Shades of green remind us of plants, fresh grass, springtime and new life. Greens invokes feelings of calmness, serenity and peace, and are often used in home decor for this very reason. So it’s not hard to see why Emeralds are so desired! While you might have one specific hue in mind – the range of shades vary depending on the grade of stone, nevertheless, all breathtaking. While you might not be able to acquire this precious stone any time soon, here are our picks that will take you directly to Emerald City!
Featured Items:
“E” Stretched Wall Art (in “Emerald City”)