Discover Cheap Ways to Make Your Home Look More Expensive

Discover Cheap Ways to Make Your Home Look More Expensive

Even though everyone is scrambling to achieve it, having an expensive looking home is easier than most people think. Now that many of us are feeling financial strains, it’s time to get creative when it comes to decorating. This need for diversity has led to a revolution amongst home owners. Unlike what most companies want consumers to believe, less is more with décor. From changing styles to adding cheap highlights, there are plenty of affordable ways to make your home look more expensive.

Instead of jumping on costly remodeling projects, it’s time to make do with what’s available. Now that an entire community has dedicated itself to finding cheap fixes, no home has to be average. There are too many choices available to settle for anything less than fantastic. To highlight this shift in consumerism, we compiled a list of easy ways to make your home look more expensive. The best part is, these ideas are extremely easy to implement. Discover how to revolutionize your décor without demolishing your bank account!

Easy Ways to Make Your Home Look Expensive

Idea #3: Embrace Minimalism – By adopting this decorating style, home owners automatically start winning. Instead of being obligated to continue purchasing, minimalism celebrates having less décor. This idea is liberating for most, since it means our finances can be focused on fewer items. Quit punishing your budget and start investing in better quality décor!

Idea #2: Frame Everything – Nothing makes a piece of artwork more appealing than a quality frame. To get the best deal, buy frames in bulk. This provides plenty of ways to highlight everything from maps to paintings. By incorporating this elegant touch, users make their homes look classier than most restaurants!

Idea #1: Add Conversation Pieces – Even though it’s great to have everything orderly, every home needs a wild card. It’s never too late to liven things up, so don’t resign yourself to boring décor. Browse through our wide selection of Sculptural Art to find the perfect piece for your home.

About Alexandra Dedovitch

Alexandra Dedovitch has a B.A. in Multimedia Communications and English. She is a professional writer, artist and designer. Her passion for writing, travel and design has led her to settle her roots in Arizona, a hub for modern and eclectic style. She is the founder of Folk Heart Creations, a blog dedicated to travel and self-expression through art and design. She has worked for Inmod since 2013, both in-house and freelance.

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