Everywhere you look there’s an eco-friendly alternative to our everyday products. From dishware to stationary to cleaning supplies, there are plenty of ways to take the green initiative. When looking at the furniture sector, what differentiates eco-friendly furniture from the rest?
Let’s start with the process. A huge factor in determining the eco-friendliness of a product is how it is made. It is essential that the furniture is made with minimum resources to contribute to its overall eco-friendly factor. For example, many companies, such as Kalon Studios, use low energy production to manufacture their furniture. Kalon Studios, creator of the Isometric Chair shown here, also manufactures each product as it is ordered, to eliminate unnecessary production energy and waste.
More important than how the furniture is made is what the furniture is made from. Pieces of furniture made from recycled materials, such as wood, plastic and glass, are unarguably green as they are being reused instead of tossed to a landfill. Wood that isn’t recycled has a different angle, as wood taken from legally harvested forests separates itself from wood that is not. Also considered eco-friendly are materials that are sustainable and quickly replenish themselves, such as bamboo.
Furniture and products utilizing chemicals that are harmless to the environment are characteristic to the green movement as well. Linens from Amenity, such as the Woods Organic Blanket shown here, use non-toxic, water-based dyes for all of their patterns.
There are other factors that contribute to furniture’s level of eco-friendliness. Shipping is important as it considers the amount of miles traveled and gas needed. This depends on where you live in comparison to where the product is made. Another important detail to consider is how the piece of furniture will be disposed when it’s no longer needed.
What do you think? How important is eco-friendliness to you when furniture shopping?