‘Tis The Season for Entertaining

It seems as soon as November 1st hits, preparations for the winter holidays begins. Talks of Thanksgiving, Hanukkah and Christmas fill the air – and the stores. With all this mention of the holidays, it’s also becomes time to think about where you’ll spend the holidays. If you’re entertaining friends and family at your house this upcoming season, you have plenty of time to start planning the details, such as your tablescape.

The Lombard Candleabrum is the perfect addition to your table this holiday season, and for many to come. Designed by Kenneth Wingard, the Lombard Candleabrum is made from six separate pieces that are hinged together to provide flexibility. For easy storage, the hinges enable the Lombard to quickly fold flat.

Such flexibility of the Lombard Candleabrum provides plenty of options for a unique tablescape. It can be stretched out to full shape, or angled as seen in the photo. Spice up the candleabrum by weaving seasonal garland through it, such as fall leaves, holly, or fresh pine. Brighten the table up even more by stringing Christmas lights through it.

The Lombard Candleabrum can also be shaped into a circle, which will give it the appearance of a wreath when adorned with various greens and garland. You can also circle it around another arrangement such as flowers, or something that you already have at home, such as a ceramic turkey or a bowl of pine cones or Christmas bulbs.

The options are endless with the Lombard Candelabrum – how would you use it on your table this holiday season?

About Katie

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